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about me
I am an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Louisiana State University. Prior to joining LSU, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Baker Institute Center for Health and Biosciences and the Department of Sociology at Rice University. I earned a PhD in Criminology, Law & Society at the University of California – Irvine and was a member of the Irvine Laboratory for the Study of Space and Crime (ILSSC). I earned a BA and an MA in Sociology from Bowling Green State University.
I am broadly interested in the production and consequences of spatial inequality in the domains of crime and criminal justice, housing and land use, and neighborhood change. My work is theoretically-driven and uses quantitative methods, with a particular interest in spatial methodologies.
My published work can be found in journals such as Social Science Research, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, the Annual Review of Criminology, British Journal of Criminology, The Professional Geographer, and Socius.
The icons below will link you to my email, Google Scholar page, and ResearchGate profile.

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